The University of Tokyo Global COE Integrative Life Science Based on the Study of Biosignaling Mechanisms
Home > Retreat > 1st global COE retreat (March 8-9, 2008)

1st global COE retreat (March 8-9, 2008)

The first global COE retreat was held at Tomiura Royal Hotel, Minamiboso,Chiba on March 8-9.
Participants were the members from twelve labs of the graduate school of medicine, ten labs of the graduate school of science, six labs of the institute of molecular and cellular biosciences and also other research assistants of graduate school of science and invited foreign researchers.
Approximately 450 people attended this retreat.
Central event of this retreat was the poster presentation. There were approximately 280 poster presentations in total and active discussions were held for two days.

On the first day, opening ceremony, oral presentation by representative principal investigators and three poster sessions were held.
On the second day, two poster sessions, closing ceremony and poster award were held.
Enough time to promote friendship among participants were prepared in a banquet and post banquet party. Recreations and room-sharing with participants from other laboratories were also planned.

The first global COE retreat ended in success with many favorable comments by participants.
