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Ueshima, R. and Asami, T. (2003) Single gene speciation by left-right reversal. Nature 425: 679. (doi:10.1038/425679a) [Abstract and PDF]

Lydeard, O., Holznagel, W. E., Ueshima, R. and Kurabayashi, A. (2002) Systematic implications of extreme loss or reduction of mitochondrial LSU rRNA helical-loop structures in gastropods. Malacologia 44: 349-352.

Miyazaki, K., Ueshima, R. and Makioka, T. (2001) Structure of the female reproductive system and oogenetic mode in a schizomid, Schizomus sawadai (Arachnida, Schizomida). Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 40: 1-7.

Hasegawa, K., Hori, S. and Ueshima, R. (2001) A preliminary list of sublittoral shell-bearing gastropods in the vicinity of Shimoda, Izu Peninsula, Central Honshu, Japan. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, Tokyo (37): 203-228.

Nomoto, Y., Hirai, M. and Ueshima, R. (2001) Cloning of molluscan telomere DNA with (TTAGGG)n repeat and its chromosomal location in the freshwater snail Biwamelania habei. Zoological Science 18: 417-422. (doi:10.2108/zsj.18.417) [Abstract and PDF]

Kurabayashi, A. and Ueshima, R. (2000) Complete sequence of the mitochondrial DNA of the primitive opisthobranch gastropod Pupa strigosa: systematic implication of the genome organization. Molecular Biology and Evolution 17: 266-277. [Abstract and PDF]

Kurabayashi, A. and Ueshima, R. (2000) Partial mitochondrial genome organization of the heterostrophan gastropod Omalogyra atomus and its systematic significance. Venus 59: 7-18. [Abstract]

Noguchi, Y., Endo, K., Tajima, F. and Ueshima, R. (2000) The mitochondrial genome of the brachiopod Laqueus rubellus. Genetics 155: 245-259. [Abstract and PDF]

Shimizu, Y. and Ueshima, R. (2000) Historical biogeography and interspecific mtDNA introgression in Euhadra peliomphala (the Japanese land snail). Heredity 85: 84-96. [Abstract and PDF]

Yokobori, S., Ueda, T., Heldmaier-Fuchs, G., Pääbo, S., Ueshima, R., Kondow, A., Nishikawa, K. and Watanabe, K. (1999) Complete DNA sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the ascidian Halocynthis roretzi (Chordata, Urochordata). Genetics 153: 1851-1862. [Abstract and PDF]

上島 励 (2005) ベッコウマイマイ科他. 環境省野生生物課 (編). 「改訂・日本の絶滅のおそれのある野生生物 6 陸・淡水産貝類」. 自然環境研究センター, 東京. [書籍詳細]

浅見崇比呂・上島 励 (2004) 鏡像遺伝子による新種の進化. 細胞工学 23: 338-339. [書籍詳細]

上島 励 (2002) 簡単にできる軟体動物のDNA保存方法. Venus 61: 91-94. [Ueshima, R. (2002) Simple methods for DNA preservation in molluscan specimens. Venus 61: 91-94] [Abstract]

武田正倫・上島 励 (2002) 相模灘西部浅海産カニ類. 国立科学博物館専報 (38): 161-168. [Takeda, M. and Ueshima, R. (2002) Shallow-water crabs from western part of the Sagami Sea, Central Japan. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, Tokyo (38): 161-168.] [Abstract]

入村精一・藤田敏彦・上島 励 (2001) 下田沖陸棚上のクモヒトデ類(棘皮動物)について(予報). 国立科学博物館専報 (37): 311-315.[Irimura, S., Fujita, T. and Ueshima, R. (2001) Preliminary report on the ophiuroids (Echinodermata) on the shelf off Shimoda, south of Izu Peninsula, Central Japan. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, Tokyo (37): 311-315.] [Abstract]

上島 励 (2001) 皇居のカタツムリ. 国立科学博物館皇居生物相調査グループ (編). 「皇居吹上御苑の生き物」. 世界文化社, 東京: 196-201. [書籍詳細]

上島 励 (2000) 軟体動物 (尾腔綱、腹溝綱、多板綱、単板綱、二枚貝綱、掘足綱、頭足綱、腹足綱). 白山義久 (編). 「無脊椎動物の多様性と系統(節足動物を除く)」. 裳華房, 東京: 169-188. [書籍詳細]

中山 剛・上島 励 (2000) 単細胞生物から多細胞生物への進化. 遺伝別冊 12: 134-154. [書籍詳細]

上島 励 (2000) 動物系統分類学の新展開-分子系統学の現在と未来-. 青木淳一・田近謙一・森岡弘之 (編). 「動物系統分類学 追補版」. 中山書店, 東京: 1-13. [書籍詳細]