
真行寺千佳子 (しんぎょうじ ちかこ)




1976年理学部生物学科動物学 課程卒
1992年学位 取得(論文博士:博士(理学), 東京大学)

1978年1月 東京大学理学部動物学教室助手
1995年4月東京大学大学院理学系研究科生物 科学専攻助教授

生理学を志すことになったいきさつは,Scientist library, 日本語版を参照してください

「動く」というのは,生物,中でも動物にとって最も興味深い特性ですが, 私はこの動物の動く仕組みを細胞レベルで解き明かしたいと思っています.

科学の研究は 素晴らしい世界ですが, 私は,問題をどのように解き明かすかという独自のアプローチを考え出すところに研究の面白さを感じます. アイディアを出し,それを実現し, 誰も見たことのない自然の不思議を見いだしたときの喜びは他のことでは味わうことのできないほどスリリングです.

研究室は,毎年メンバーが入れ替わりその度に雰囲気も変わりますが, 楽しく個性の伸ばせる環境を作ることを心がけています.


A. Refereed papers

1) Shingyoji, C., Murakami, A. and Takahashi, K. (1977)
Local reactivation of Triton-extracted flagella by iontophoretic application of ATP. Nature, 265: 269-270.
2) Shingyoji, C. and Takahashi, K. (1982)
Iontophoresis of ATP: Determination of transport number by bioassay with demembranated flagella. J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo., IV, 15: 213-225.
3) Gibbons, I. R., Shingyoji, C., Murakami, A. and Takahashi, K. (1987)
Spontaneous recovery after experimental manipulation of the plane of beat  in sperm flagella.  Nature, 325: 351-352.
4) Katada, J., Shingyoji, C. and Takahashi, K. (1989)
Effects of detergent used to demembranate the sea-urchin spermatozoa on the reactivated flagellar movement, with special reference to the rotatability of the plane of flagellar beat. Cell Struct. Funct., 14: 751-758.
5) Eshel, D., Shingyoji, C., Yoshimura, K., Gibbons, B. H., Gibbons, I. R. and Takahashi, K. (1990)
Transient behavior of sea urchin sperm flagella following an abrupt change in beat  frequency.  J. Exp. Biol., 152: 441-451.
6) Shingyoji, C., Gibbons, I. R., Murakami, A. and Takahashi, K. (1991)
Effect of imposed head vibration on the stability and waveform of flagellar beating in sea urchin spermatozoa.  J. Exp. Biol., 156: 63-80.
7) Shingyoji, C., Katada, J. and Takahashi, K. (1991)
Rotating the plane of imposed vibration can rotate the plane of flagellar beating in sea-urchin sperm without twisting the axoneme. J. Cell Sci., 98: 175-181.
8) Takahashi, K., Shingyoji, C., Katada, J., Eshel, D. and Gibbons, I. R. (1991)
Polarity in spontaneous unwinding after prior rotation of the flagellar beat plane in sea-urchin spermatozoa. J. Cell Sci., 98: 183-189.
9) Eshel, D., Shingyoji, C., Yoshimura, K., Gibbons, I. R. and Takahashi, K. (1991)
Evidence for an inequality in the forces that generate principal and reverse bends in sperm flagella.  J. Cell Sci., 100: 213-218.
10) Eshel, D., Shingyoji, C., Yoshimura, K., Gibbons, I. R. and Takahashi, K. (1992)
The phase of sperm flagellar beating is not conserved over a brief imposed interruption.  Exp. Cell Res., 202: 552-555.
11) Shingyoji, C., Yoshimura, K., Eshel, D., Takahashi, K. and Gibbons, I. R. (1995)
Effect of beat frequency on the velocity of microtubule sliding in reactivated sea urchin sperm flagella under imposed head vibration.   J. Exp. Biol., 198: 645-653..
12) Shingyoji, C. and Takahashi, K. (1995)
Cyclic bending movements induced locally by successive iontophoretic application of ATP to an elastase-treated flagellar axoneme.  J. Cell Sci., 108: 1359-1369.
13) Shingyoji, C. and Takahashi, K. (1995)
Flagellar quiescence response in sea urchin sperm induced by electric stimulation.  Cell Motil. Cytoskel., 31: 59-65.
14) Shingyoji, C. and Yamaguchi, M. (1995)
Effects of acetylcholine, octopamine, ATP, dopamine, and electrical stimulation on the contraction of spine muscle of the sea urchin, Anthocidaris crassispina.  Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C, 111: 23-32.
15) Shingyoji, C., Yoshimura, K., Eshel, D., Takahashi, K. and Gibbons, I. R. (1995)
Effect of beat frequency on the velocity of microtubule sliding in reactivated sea urchin sperm flagella under imposed head vibration. J. Exp. Biol., 198: 645-653. 
16) Shingyoji, C. and Takahashi, K. (1995)
Cyclical bending movements induced locally by successive iontophoretic application of ATP to an elastase-treated flagellar axoneme.  J. Cell Sci., 108: 1359-1369.
17) Shingyoji, C. and Takahashi, K. (1995)
Flagellar quiescence response in sea urchin sperm induced by electric stimulation. Cell Motil. Cytoskel., 31: 59-65.
18) Hayashibe, K., Shingyoji, C. and Kamiya, R. (1997) 
Induction of temporary beating in paralyzed flagella of Chlamydomonas mutants by application of external force.  Cell Motil. Cytoskel., 37: 232-239.
19) Yoshimura, K., Shingyoji, C. and Takahashi, K. (1997)
Conversion of beating mode in Chlamydomonas flagella induced by electric stimulation. Cell Motil. Cytoskel., 36: 236-245.
20) Shingyoji, C., Higuchi, H., Yoshimura, M., Katayama, E. and Yanagida, T. (1998)
Dynein arms are oscillating force generators.  Nature, 393: 711-714. 
21) Yoshimura, M. and Shingyoji, C. (1999)
Effects of the central pair apparatus on microtubule sliding velocity in sea urchin sperm flagella.  Cell Struct. Funct., 24: 43-54.
22) Omoto CK, Gibbons IR, Kamiya R, Shingyoji C, Takahashi K, Witman GB. (1999)
Rotation of the central pair microtubules in eukaryotic flagella. Mol Biol Cell. Jan;10(1):1-4. 
23) Bannai, H., Yoshimura, M., Takahashi, K. and Shingyoji, C. (2000)
Calcium regulation of microtubule sliding in reactivated sea urchin sperm flagella.  J. Cell Sci., 113: 831-839.
24) Imai, H. and Shingyoji, C.  (2003)
Effects of trypsin-digested outer-arm dynein fragments on the velocity of microtubule sliding in elastase-digested flagellar axonemes. Cell Struct. Funct., 28, 71-86.
25) Nakano, I., Kobayashi, T., Yoshimura, M. and Shingyoji, C. (2003)
Central-pair-linked regulation of microtubule sliding by calcium in flagellar axonemes. J. Cell Sci., 116, 1627-1636.
26) Morita, Y. and Shingyoji, C. (2004)
Effects of imposed bending on microtubule sliding in sperm flagella. Curr Biol., 14, 2113-2118.
27) Pepper, F., Oiwa, K., Adachi, S, Shingyoji, C. and Lee, J. (2004)
Synchronization of protein motors modeled by asynchronous cellular automata. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 3305, 571-580.
28) Ishikawa, R. and Shingyoji, C. (2007)
Induction of beating by imposed bending or mechanical pulse in demembranated, motionless sea urchin sperm flagella at very low ATP concentrations. Cell Struct. Funct., 32, 17-27.
29)Inoue, Y. and Shingyoji, C. (2007)
The roles of noncatalytic ATP binding and ADP binding in the regulation of dynein motile activity in flagella. Cell Motil. Cytoskel., 64: 690-704.
30)Yoshimura, A., Nakano, I. and Shingyoji, C. (2007)
Inhibition by ATP and activation by ADP in the regulation of flagellar movement in sea urchin sperm. Cell Motil. Cytoskel., 64: 777-793.
31)Hatamoto, K.and Shingyoji, C.(2008)
Cyclical training enhances the melanophore responses of zebrafish to background colours. Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research, 21: 397-406. (Published article online: 6-Mar-2008)
32)Hayashi, S.and Shingyoji, C.(2008)
Mechanism of flagellar oscillation−bending-induced switching of dynein activitiy in elastase-treated axonemes of sea urchin sperm. J. Cell Sci., 121: 2833-2843. (Published article online: 5-August-2008)
33)Ueno, H., Yasunaga, T., Shingyoji, C. and Hirose, K. (2008)
Dynein pulls microtubules without rotating its stalk. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA, 105: 19702-19707. (published online before print December8, 2008, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0808194105)
34)Hayashi, S. and Shingyoji, C. (2009)
Bending-induced switching of dynein activity in elastase-treated axonemes of sea urchin sperm - Roles of Ca2+ and ADP. Cell Motil. Cytoskel., 66: 292-301. (Published online 2 April, 2009, doi: 10.1002/cm.20360)
35) Kambara, Y., Shiba, K., Yoshida, M., Sato, C., Kitajima, K. and Shingyoji, C. (2011)
Mechanism regulating Ca2+-dependent mechanosensory behaviour in sea urchin spermatozoa. Cell Structure and Function, 36: 69-82. (Published online 1 April, 2011)
36) Nakano, I., Fujiwara, R., Wada, M. and Shingyoji, C. (2011)
Effects of iodide on the coupling between ATP hydrolysis and motile activity in axonemal dynein. Cytoskeleton, 68: 279-289. (online: 3 MAY 2011 | DOI: 10.1002/cm.20511)

B.  Reviews

1) Takahashi, K., Shingyoji, C. and Kamimura, S. (1982)
Microtubule sliding in reactivated flagella.  In "Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Flagella", eds. W. B. Amos and J. G. Duckett. Soc. Exp. Biol. Symp., 35: 159-177.
2) Shingyoji, C. (1988)
Control of microtubule sliding in flagella.  In "Dynamics of Microtubules" (Proceedings of the 14th Taniguchi International Symposium, Division of Biophysics), ed. H. Hotani, pp. 89-103.
3) Shingyoji, C. (2009)
Analysis of the role of nucleotides in axonemal dynein function. In Methods in Cell Biology, Cilia: Motors and Regulation. (eds. S. M. King and G. J. Pazour), Vol. 92, Chapter 8, pp. 113-131. , Elsevier, UK.

C.  和文総説等

1) 真行寺千佳子・高橋景一  (1983)
鞭毛運動の機 構.  蛋白質・核酸・酵素, 28: 257-270.
2) 高橋景一・真行寺千佳子 (1986)
鞭毛運動解析 法.  生体の科学, 37: 348-350.
3) 真行寺千佳子  (1986)
精子のTriton モデル.  続生化学実験講座6「細胞骨格の構造と機能 (下)」
丸山工作・矢 原一郎編,  東京化学同人, pp. 571-585.
4) 高橋景一・真行寺千佳子 (1987)
真核生物鞭毛 の“回転”.   生物物理, 152: 145-150.
5) 真行寺千佳子・高橋景一  (1988)
繊毛・鞭毛運 動:微小管滑り運動.  生体の科学, 39: 92-97.
6) 真行寺千佳子・高橋景一  (1988)
鞭毛運動の記 録と解析.  生体の科学, 39: 491-492.
7) 高橋景一・真行寺千佳子 (1993)
鞭毛運動.  Annual Review 細胞生物学 1993:165-178.
振動する生物分子モーター 「ダイニン」.生物物理,228:111-116.
ダイニン. Chaperone Newsletter, 9 (Special ATPase Issue): 5-7.
モーターとしての鞭毛.「ながれ」の事典.神 部勉他編,丸善株式会社.p.101-105. (pp.796)
精子における1分子観察.「新編 精子 学」森沢正昭編,東京大学出版会.p.90-93. (pp.489)