今野浩太郎 上級研究員(農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構生物機能利用研究部門)
2024年09月25日(水) 16:50-18:35 理学部2号館223号室及びZoom
Konno, K.et al. (2004). Papain protects papaya trees from herbivorous insects: role of cysteine proteases in latex. The Plant Journal, 37(3), 370-378.
Konno, K.et al (2006). Mulberry latex rich in antidiabetic sugar-mimic alkaloids forces dieting on caterpillars. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103(5), 1337-1341.
Konno, K. (2011). Plant latex and other exudates as plant defense systems: roles of various defense chemicals and proteins contained therein. Phytochemistry, 72(13), 1510-1530.
Konno, K.et al(2010). GABA, β-alanine and glycine in the digestive juice of privet-specialist insects: convergent adaptive traits against plant iridoids. Journal of chemical ecology, 36, 983-991.
Konno, K., Hirayama, C., Yasui, H., & Nakamura, M. (1999). Enzymatic activation of oleuropein: a protein crosslinker used as a chemical defense in the privet tree. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 96(16), 9159-9164.
Konno, K.et al.(2014). Synergistic defensive function of raphides and protease through the needle effect. PLoS One, 9(3), e91341.
Konno, K. (2023). Extremely high relative growth rate makes the cabbage white, Pieris rapae, a global pest with highly abundant and migratory nature. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 9697.
Konno, K. (2016). A general parameterized mathematical food web model that predicts a stable green world in the terrestrial ecosystem. Ecological Monographs, 86(2), 190-214.
Murata, M., Konno, K.et al.(2021). Expression of a gene for an MLX56 defense protein derived from mulberry latex confers strong resistance against a broad range of insect pests on transgenic tomato lines. PloS one, 16(1), e0239958.
Insect-Plant Biology, Second Edition (Schoonhoven et al., Oxford University Press Academic). ISBN:978-0198525950
担当: 東京大学大学院理学系研究科・生物科学専攻・附属植物園