Follow Your Curiosity

Try keeping yourself always excited. Exposing yourself to the top-level sciences will help you achieving this. Scientific American, National Geographics, Discovery Channel, Nature podcast, Science podcast, reading books, attending academic meetings, talking with your friends over science, youtube, there are many ways to enjoy science and I'm sure these will help exciting your brain and curiosity.
Sometimes people (friends, supervisors, etc.) are unsympathetic with your scientific idea, but, don't hesitate to make mistakes and follow your own curiosity. Here you can read my experiences [Sorry it's written in Japanese].

Widen your knowledge

The Campbell's Biology is one of the best text books for undergraduates to study biology. If you are reading the book, or will be reading the book, try finding questions or problems that are not well-written in the text, because that is the way how you can train yourself as a scientist :)
Other Books: Read as many books as you can. Chemistry, Physics, Cognitive science, Computer Science, etc. Especially, History of Science will help you understand how scientists were often trapped in comon sense at each era.
The Lady Tasting Tea The Theory That Would Not Die

Get prepared

Get prepared for getting connected with scientists from all over the world. Yes, spend much time on learning English. Foreign students, don't hesitate to join us. I also have experiences of living abroad (Canada, Unted States), and I'm collaborating with researchers from various countries, including UK, USA, China, Taiwan, Denmark and so on. I'm also proud to tell you that Tokyo has been ranked as the safest city in this world, and it's the city of 24-7. What's the University of Tokyo like? Watch the movie bellow. For admission policy for international students can be found here. You can also apply simultaneously to GSGC program to get 180,000 JPY per month. It's very competitive, however, if you have good TOEFL, GRE and GPA scores, you have a very high chance of getting it through! Additional Schorlarship info. can be found here. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you are interested in joining our group: mail




See you again

Contact Information

7-3-1 Bunkyo-ku, Hongo 3cho-me, Tokyo, Japan
University of Tokyo, School of Science, Bld.2


IRIE lab. - University of Tokyo, School of Science, Department of Biological Sciences