
Dynamic control of cell identity in the developing neocortex

Prof. Denis Jabaudon(University of Geneva, Switzerland)

2018年05月21日(月)    11:00-12:00  理学部2号館 講堂   

During corticogenesis, ventricular zone progenitors sequentially generatedistinct subtypes of excitatory neurons, accounting for the diversity inneocortical cells and the circuits they form. I will discuss recentfindings from my laboratory on the mechanisms controlling acquisition ofneuron-type specific properties, and on input/activity-dependent processwhich control the generation of neuronal diversity during development.

1.Frangeulet al. (2018) Input-dependent regulation of excitability controls dendritic maturation in somatosensory thalamocorticalneurons. Nature Communications8: 2015.
2.Frangeulet al. (2016) A cross-modal genetic framework for the development and plasticity of sensory pathways. Nature 538:96-98.
3.Telleyet al. (2016) Sequential transcriptional waves direct the differentiation of newborn neurons in the mouse neocortex. Science351:1443-6.
4.Pouchelonet al. (2014) Modality-specific thalamocorticalinputs instruct the identity of postsynaptic L4 neurons.Nature 511:471-4.