東京大学大学院理学系研究科 生物科学専攻

34回 進化多様性生物学セミナー



場所:理学部2号館 2階 223号室


演者:Isidore Rigoutsos 

  (IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center


演題:  Sequence Analysis and its Application to the Study of RNA Interferenceand the Analysis of Junk DNA



In this talk, I will demonstrate how sequence-based analysis can be used effectively to solve various problems from the biological domain. In particular, I will concentrate on our recent work on two seemingly unrelated problems, the study of RNA interference (RNAi) and the analysis of human junk DNA. In addition to showing experimental results for our RNAi predictions, I will present and discuss evidence suggesting the existence of a link that connects large portions of human junk DNA and nearly the entire human transcriptome and implicates RNAi as one possible mechanism.


世話人:免疫分子進化学研究室 野中 勝 (内線27589)